Early Detection Saves Lives
We specialise in offering a high quality cancer screening service to Britain’s biggest companies and professional sports organisations.
Our unique portable technology and experienced dermatology nurses enables us to take screening out of the clinical environment and into the place of work or leisure. In fact, it enables us to screen wherever our customers find it convenient.
Click here to download our Brochure
Skin cancer exposed 
In the UK, 37 people are diagnosed with melanoma every day. When treated early it can usually be cured, but the disease still claims tens of thousands of lives every year throughout the world. According to the World Health Organisation, skin cancer accounts for one in every three cancers diagnosed worldwide, with global incidence on the rise. In the UK one in every 10 skin cancers are diagnosed in the “late” stage, and it can take weeks for patients to see a dermatologist.
Early detection through pro active screening will help to greatly reduce late stage melanoma.
Skin Cancer is a “recreational cancer” caused by too much sun. Sunburn can double the risk of skin cancer. Lots of sun over your lifetime also increases your risk of certain skin cancers. There are now more deaths from skin cancer in the UK than in Australia.
With rates set to treble in the next 30 years, it’s never been more important to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Click here to download information on Sun Safety

Skin cancer exposed 
In the UK, 37 people are diagnosed with melanoma every day. When treated early it can usually be cured, but the disease still claims tens of thousands of lives every year throughout the world. According to the World Health Organisation, skin cancer accounts for one in every three cancers diagnosed worldwide, with global incidence on the rise. In the UK one in every 10 skin cancers are diagnosed in the “late” stage, and it can take weeks for patients to see a dermatologist.
Early detection through pro active screening will help to greatly reduce late stage melanoma.
Skin Cancer is a “recreational cancer” caused by too much sun. Sunburn can double the risk of skin cancer. Lots of sun over your lifetime also increases your risk of certain skin cancers. There are now more deaths from skin cancer in the UK than in Australia.
With rates set to treble in the next 30 years, it’s never been more important to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Click here to download information on Sun Safety
The most dangerous skin cancer has increased 43% in 10 years (Source: Cancer Research UK). Anyone can get melanoma. The risk usually goes up with age. People with light-coloured hair, eyes and skin have a higher risk than people with darker colouring.
People with a family history of melanoma also have a higher risk. With melanoma it’s essential that it is detected early. If you have any concerns about a mole, we recommend you speak to your GP as soon as possible.

The most dangerous skin cancer has increased 43% in 10 years (Source: Cancer Research UK). Anyone can get melanoma. The risk usually goes up with age. People with light-coloured hair, eyes and skin have a higher risk than people with darker colouring.
People with a family history of melanoma also have a higher risk. With melanoma it’s essential that it is detected early. If you have any concerns about a mole, we recommend you speak to your GP as soon as possible.

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Email enquiries@screen4life.co.uk
Screen4Life (UK) Limited, Office 7, 21 Queen Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6EY
Call 0780 361 0075
Email nick.marchant@screen4life.co.uk
Screen4Life (UK) Limited, Office 7, 21 Queen Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6EY